Girobusan ยท IMP!

Getting Started With IMP!

How it works

When you load IMP! Locally, it opens up an editor, where you can enter or import your text, setup SEO tags and custom CSS. When the very same page is served over http, user gets a light, static HTML. Page does not require Java Script to be viewed, it's just plain HTML.

System requirements

Descent browser, Firefox or Chrome preferred (tested). If you've updated your browser within last 4 years, it should be fine.

Step by step guide

  1. Download and unpack. There are 4 files: index.html, style.css, imp.js and helpers.js. The latter is not needed for basic functionality.
  2. Open the index.html in your browser (Firefox or Chrome is recommended)
  3. Edit it, import or enter your text, preview it. Click the big "Export HTML" ("Save" in newer version) button and save file to the same directory. If you didn't change file name, overwrite old file.
  4. Upload files to server, you may skip imp.js, as it's not required for viewing file.
  5. That's it.

Known problems