Girobusan · IMP! · Helpers

Autoload helpers (upcoming feature)

What it is

It will possible to autoload and engage helpers on page load, which makes possible to:


There must be file autoload.js in the helpers directory, which will be automatically load with IMP! page, if this page has helpers enabled.


The script must define window.impHelpers.autoload variable with object with certain structure:

window.impHelpers.autoload = {
  modules: [
  ["<helper-name>", "<method to call>" , <parameters>],
  // you can skip method, 
  // "autoload" will be called by default,
  // or "animate" if "autoload" is not present
  ["<helper2-name>",<parameters object>],
  // you can skip method and params, 
  // only "init" will be called 
  // ("init" is always called)