⚙️ qr-code

Displays QR code

→ See this page in edit mode.



 text: Test code
 size: 400
 margin: 1
 fgColor: "#F51212"

Use with IMP! data API

You can address any data, saved via data API. Just prepend name of the data key with @. If you actually need to encode string, which starts with @, escape it with backslash, like this: \@myTelegramChanel. The string @myTelegramChanel will be encoded.

Read more on data API in IMP! docs.


name meaning type default
text String to encode, or link to embedded data chunk. String no, required!
size Size of the code Number If not specified, generated QR will have adaptive width.
bgColor Background (light) color (hex) String (must be quoted) "#ffffff"
fgColor Foreground (dark) color Same as above "#000000"
margin Margin around QR code (in modules) Number 4

Last saved: 1/24/25, 18:21