⚙️ qr-code
Displays QR code
→ See this page in edit mode.
text: Test code
size: 400
margin: 1
fgColor: "#F51212"
Use with IMP! data API
You can address any data, saved via data API. Just prepend name of the data key with @
. If you actually need to encode string, which starts with @
, escape it with backslash, like this: \@myTelegramChanel
. The string @myTelegramChanel
will be encoded.
Read more on data API in IMP! docs.
name | meaning | type | default |
text | String to encode, or link to embedded data chunk. | String | no, required! |
size | Size of the code | Number | If not specified, generated QR will have adaptive width. |
bgColor | Background (light) color (hex) | String (must be quoted) | "#ffffff" |
fgColor | Foreground (dark) color | Same as above | "#000000" |
margin | Margin around QR code (in modules) | Number | 4 |
Last saved: 1/24/25, 18:21